conditions we treat
Wow! Having a baby and being a mom requires a lot from the body. If we don’t properly restore core function and coordination after delivery, we set ourselves up for pelvic floor dysfunction down the road. Pain anywhere or urinary/bowel difficulties may be common postpartum but is not normal, and is our body’s way of letting us know something is not quite right. Our bodies are strong and resilient and with proper care and training after delivery, can return to normal function. At Empassion Pelvic Health we work with you to restore core function and promote a safe return to the activities you love.

Pelvic organ prolapse (cystocele, rectocele, uterine prolapse)
Diastasis Recti
Incontinence - bladder leakage
Scar tissue care and treatment
Vaginal or C-section birth recovery
Birth injury recovery - epidural care
Low back pain
Upper back/neck pain
Hip pain
Pelvic pain
Bowel dysfunction: constipation or leakage
Pain with intercourse
Functional positioning for childcare activities: baby wearing, holding, nursing
Return to safe exercise
And much more!!